Chip circuito integrato

Circuiti integrati digitali serie 74

Circuiti integrati digitali serie CD40

Accoppiatori ottici

Orologio e calcolatrice di circuiti integrati

Amplificatori operazionali

Interruttore di accensione circuito integrato

Driver circuito integrato

Memoria flash


Audio speciale

Clock/ Timing - Specifico per l'applicazione

Clock/ Timing - Drivers, buffer orologio

Clock/ Timing - Generatori orologio, PLL, sintetizzatori di frequenza

Clock/ Timing - Linee di ritardo

Clock/ Timing - Batterie circuito integrato

Clock/ Timing - Oscillatori e Timer programmabili

Clock/ Timing - Clock in Real Time

Acquisizione dati - ADC / DAC - Scopo speciale

Acquisizione dati - Front end analogico (AFE)

Acquisizione dati - Convertitore da analogico a digitale (ADC)

Acquisizione dati - Potenziometro digitale

Acquisizione dati - Convertitore da digitale ad analogico (ADC)

Acquisizione dati - Controller Touch-screen

Incorporato - CPLD (dispositivi logici programmabili complessi)

Incorporato - DSP ( processori segnali digitali)

Incorporato - FPGA ( dispositivi programmabili)

Incorporato - FPGA ( dispositivi programmabili) con microcontroller

Incorporato - Microcontroller, Microprocessori, Moduli FPGA

Incorporato - Microcontroller

Incorporato - Microcontroller - Specifica Applicazione

Incorporato - Microprocessori

Incorporato - PLD (dispositivo logico programmabile)

Incorporato - Sistema su chip (SoC)

Interfaccia - Interruttori analogici - Scopo speciale

Interfaccia - Interruttori analogici, multiplexer, demultiplexer

Interfaccia - CODEC

Interfaccia - Controller

Interfaccia - Sintesi digitale diretta (DSS)

Interfaccia - Driver, Ricevitori, Transceiver

Interfaccia - Codificatori, Decodificatori, Convertitori

Interfaccia - Filtri - Attivi

Interfaccia - Espansori I / O

Interfaccia - Modem - CI e moduli

Interfaccia - Moduli

Interfaccia - Interfacce sensore e rilevatore

Interfaccia - Sensore, Touch Capacitivo

Interfaccia - Serializzatori, Deserializzatori

Interfaccia - Buffer di segnale, Ripetitori, Splitter

Interfaccia - Terminatori di segnale

Interfaccia - Specializzato

Interfaccia - Telecom

Interfaccia - UART (Trasmettitore Asincrono Universale del Ricevitore)

Interfaccia - Registrazione e Riproduzione vocale

Lineare - Amplificatori - Audio

Lineari - Amplificatori - Strumentazione, Amplificatori operazionali, Amplificatori buffer

Linear - Amplificatore - Scopo speciale

Lineare - Amplificatore - Amplificatore Video e Moduli

Lineari - Moltiplicatori analogici, Divisori

Lineare - Comparatori

Lineare - Elaborazione video

Logica - Buffer, Driver, Ricevitori, Transceiver

Logica - Comparatori

Logica - Contatori, Divisori

Logica - Memoria FIFO

Logica - Flip Flops

Logica - Gate e Inverter

Logica - Gate e Inverter - Multifunzione, Configurabile

Logica - Latch

Logica - Multivibratori

Logica - Generatori e Controllori di parità

Logica - Registri a scorrimento

Logica - Interruttori di segnale, Multiplexer, Decodificatori

Logica - Logica speciale

Logica - Traduttori, Cambi di livello

Logica - Funzioni Bus Universale

Memoria - Batterie

Memoria - Proms di configurazione per FPGA

Memoria - Controller

PMIC - Convertitori ca-cc, Commutatori offline

PMIC - Caricabatterie

PMIC - Gestione della batteria

PMIC - Regolamentazione / Gestione attuale

PMIC - Driver di visualizzazione

PMIC - Misurazione dell'energia

PMIC - Driver full-half-bridge

PMIC - Drivers Gate

PMIC - Controller Hot Swap

PMIC - Driver laser

PMIC - Driver LED

PMIC - Illuminazione, Regolatori di zavorra

PMIC - Driver per motori, Controller

PMIC - Controller OR, Diodi ideali

PMIC - PFC (correzione del fattore di potenza)

PMIC - Interruttori di distribuzione dell'alimentazione, Driver di caricamento

PMIC - Power Management - Specializzato

PMIC - Controller Power Over Ethernet (PoE)

PMIC - Controller di alimentazione, Monitor

PMIC - Convertitori da RMS a CC

PMIC - Supervisori

PMIC - Gestione termica

PMIC - Convertitori V / F e F / V

PMIC - Riferimento di tensione

PMIC - Regolatori di tensione - Controllori a commutazione cc-cc

PMIC - Regolatori di tensione - Regolatori a commutazione cc-cc

PMIC - Regolatori di tensione - Lineari

PMIC - Regolatori di tensione - Lineari + commutazione

PMIC - Regolatori di tensione - Controllori regolatori lineari

PMIC - Regolatori di tensione - Scopo speciale

CI Specializzati






Alimentazione elettrica

Modulo Smart Power

SCR, GTO e Diodo


Transistor Darlington

Moduli RF




Servo Drive & Amplificatore & Servo

Modulo Diodo

Modulo Transistor

Relè di Commutazione



Contattore e Interruttore

Scheda Ascensore

Controllo Settore



Transistor bipolari


Resistori a film di carbonio

Resistori di cemento

Resistori per montaggio su telaio

Resistore a chip - Montaggio superficiale

Resistori rilevatori di corrente

Resistore a chip fusibile

Resistori SMD ad alta precisione e bassa TCR

Resistori ad alta tensione

Resistori a strisce LED

Resistori MELF

Resistori in lega metallica

Resistori a film metallico (TH)

Resistori di smalto metallico

Resistori a film di ossido di metallo

Resistori all'ossido di metallo

Termistori NTC

Termistori PTC


Potenziometri e resistori variabili

Potenziometro di precisione

Reti e array di resistori

Reti e array di resistori (TH)

Resistori Ultrabassi (SMD)

Resistori variabili


Resistori ad avvolgimento


Condensatori elettrolitici in alluminio - SMD

Condensatore CL21

Condensatori a dischi ceramici

Condensatori ad alta tensione

Condensatore in film di poliestere metallizzato

Condensatori ceramici multistrato MLCC - Piombo

Condensatori ceramici multistrato MLCC - SMD&SMT

Condensatore di Mylar

Condensatori all'ossido di niobio

Condensatori a film di poliestere

Condensatore elettrolitico polimero solido

Supercondensatori e Ultracondensatori

Condensatori di soppressione

Condensatori al tantalio

Trimmer, condensatori variabili

Induttori e trasformatori di ferrite


Trasformatori di correnti

Induttori Generali (TH)

Induttori HF

Induttori (SMD)

Filtro LINE

Induttori di potenza

Trasformatore di potenza

Trasformatore RJ45

Induttore radiale (TH)

Gli induttori circolari





Risonatori ceramici

Oscillatori DIP (XO)

Cristalli a cilindro radiale

Risuonatori SAW

Cristalli SMD

Oscillatori SMD (XO)


Connettori AV

Connettori audio e video

Connettori a banana e punta

Connettori bordo scheda

Connettori circolari

Connettore - Prese per schede



Connettori- Alloggiamenti


Connettori D-Sub

Connettori Ethernet&Connettori modulari

Connettori FFC, FPC (flessibile piatto)

Connettori in fibra ottica

Prese per circuiti integrati e componenti

Tubi luminosi a LED

Connettori mezzanine (da scheda a scheda)

Connettori PCB - Basette, pin maschio

Connettori PCB - Basette, prese, prese femmina

Connettori PCB - Alloggiamenti

Connettori di alimentazione

Connettori RF&Connettori coassiali

Shunt e ponticelli

Morsettiere - Accessori

Morsettiere - Blocchi a barriera

Morsettiere - Din Rail, canale

Morsettiere - Basette, spine e prese


Clip di prova

Punti di prova&anelli di prova

Connettori USB

Connettori non specificati

Cablaggio a vite

Cablaggio a molla

Morsettiere innestabili

Morsettiere passanti

Terminali automobilistici

Alloggiamenti terminali, guaine isolanti e blocchi

Connettori e terminali per cavi a scollegamento rapido

Utensili di ricambio e usura

Connettori automobilistici

Connettori PCB


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Acquisizione dati - Convertitore da digitale ad analogico (ADC)

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Used and refurbished parts guaranteed can work well



Analog Devices


The AD558 DACPORT? is a complete voltage-output 8-bit digital-to-analog converter, including output amplifier, full microprocessor interface and precision voltage reference on a single monolithic chip. No external components or trims are required to interface, with full accuracy, an 8-bit data bus to an analog system. The performance and versatility of the DACPORT is a result of several recently-developed monolithic bipolar technologies. The complete microprocessor interface and control logic is implemented with integrated injection logic (I2 L), an extremely dense and low power logic structure that is process-compatible with linear bipolar fabrication. The internal precision voltage reference is the patented low voltage bandgap circuit which permits full-accuracy performance on a single +5 V to +15 V power supply. Thin-film silicon-chromium resistors provide the stability required for guaranteed monotonic operation over the entire operating temperature range (all grades), while recent advances in laser-wafer-trimming of these thin-film resistors permit absolute calibration at the factory to within ±1 LSB; thus no user-trims for gain or offset are required. A new circuit design provides voltage settling to ±1/2 LSB for a full-scale step in 800 ns. The AD558 is available in four performance grades. The AD558J and K are specified for use over the 0°C to +70°C temperature range, while the AD558S and T grades are specified for -55°C to +125°C operation. The "J" and "K" grades are available either in 16-pin plastic (N) or hermetic ceramic (D) DIPS. They are also available in 20-pin JEDEC standard PLCC packages. The "S" and "T" grades are available in the 16-pin hermetic ceramic DIP package. DACPORT is a registered trademark of Analog Devices, Inc.





























From: €8.64127

Description: The AD558SD is a monolithic, low power, high accuracy, quad voltage-output, 12-bit digital-to-analog converter (DAC). Features: Low Power: 1.5 mW/Channel at +5 V High Accuracy: 0.02% Ma






Original parts, guaranteed brand new





The AD558 DACPORT? is a complete voltage-output 8-bit digital-to-analog converter, including output amplifier, full microprocessor interface and precision voltage reference on a single monolithic chip. No external components or trims are required to interface, with full accuracy, an 8-bit data bus to an analog system. The performance and versatility of the DACPORT is a result of several recently-developed monolithic bipolar technologies. The complete microprocessor interface and control logic is implemented with integrated injection logic (I2 L), an extremely dense and low power logic structure that is process-compatible with linear bipolar fabrication. The internal precision voltage reference is the patented low voltage bandgap circuit which permits full-accuracy performance on a single +5 V to +15 V power supply. Thin-film silicon-chromium resistors provide the stability required for guaranteed monotonic operation over the entire operating temperature range (all grades), while recent advances in laser-wafer-trimming of these thin-film resistors permit absolute calibration at the factory to within ±1 LSB; thus no user-trims for gain or offset are required. A new circuit design provides voltage settling to ±1/2 LSB for a full-scale step in 800 ns. The AD558 is available in four performance grades. The AD558J and K are specified for use over the 0°C to +70°C temperature range, while the AD558S and T grades are specified for -55°C to +125°C operation. The "J" and "K" grades are available either in 16-pin plastic (N) or hermetic ceramic (D) DIPS. They are also available in 20-pin JEDEC standard PLCC packages. The "S" and "T" grades are available in the 16-pin hermetic ceramic DIP package. DACPORT is a registered trademark of Analog Devices, Inc.

Utsource Original Store




























From: €2.24612

Description: 8-Pin SOP, Low-Power, Single/Dual/Quad, 8-Bit Voltage Output DACs Features: Single, Dual, and Quad 8-Bit Voltage Output DACs Low Power: 2.5mW (MAX) Low Voltage Operation: 2.7V to 5.5V






Used and refurbished parts guaranteed can work well



Analog Devices






























From: €4.80590

Description: The AD7543KN is a low power, low noise, 12-bit, voltage output digital-to-analog converter (DAC) with an on-chip output amplifier. Features: - Low power consumption: 1.5 mW (typical) - L






Original parts, guaranteed brand new



Analog Devices


The AD558 DACPORT? is a complete voltage-output 8-bit digital-to-analog converter, including output amplifier, full microprocessor interface and precision voltage reference on a single monolithic chip. No external components or trims are required to interface, with full accuracy, an 8-bit data bus to an analog system. The performance and versatility of the DACPORT is a result of several recently-developed monolithic bipolar technologies. The complete microprocessor interface and control logic is implemented with integrated injection logic (I2 L), an extremely dense and low power logic structure that is process-compatible with linear bipolar fabrication. The internal precision voltage reference is the patented low voltage bandgap circuit which permits full-accuracy performance on a single +5 V to +15 V power supply. Thin-film silicon-chromium resistors provide the stability required for guaranteed monotonic operation over the entire operating temperature range (all grades), while recent advances in laser-wafer-trimming of these thin-film resistors permit absolute calibration at the factory to within ±1 LSB; thus no user-trims for gain or offset are required. A new circuit design provides voltage settling to ±1/2 LSB for a full-scale step in 800 ns. The AD558 is available in four performance grades. The AD558J and K are specified for use over the 0°C to +70°C temperature range, while the AD558S and T grades are specified for -55°C to +125°C operation. The "J" and "K" grades are available either in 16-pin plastic (N) or hermetic ceramic (D) DIPS. They are also available in 20-pin JEDEC standard PLCC packages. The "S" and "T" grades are available in the 16-pin hermetic ceramic DIP package. DACPORT is a registered trademark of Analog Devices, Inc.

Utsource Original Store




























From: €6.12577

Description: The AD7545KN is a low power, monolithic, 8-bit multiplying digital-to-analog converter (MDAC) from Analog Devices. Features: - 8-bit resolution - Low power consumption - Monolithic const






Used and refurbished parts guaranteed can work well



Analog Devices






























From: €7.67599

The AD7245JN is a monolithic, low power, 8-bit, successive approximation analog-to-digital converter (ADC) manufactured by Analog Devices. It is available in a 24-pin PDIP package. Features: * 8-bit






Original parts, guaranteed brand new





The AD558 DACPORT? is a complete voltage-output 8-bit digital-to-analog converter, including output amplifier, full microprocessor interface and precision voltage reference on a single monolithic chip. No external components or trims are required to interface, with full accuracy, an 8-bit data bus to an analog system. The performance and versatility of the DACPORT is a result of several recently-developed monolithic bipolar technologies. The complete microprocessor interface and control logic is implemented with integrated injection logic (I2 L), an extremely dense and low power logic structure that is process-compatible with linear bipolar fabrication. The internal precision voltage reference is the patented low voltage bandgap circuit which permits full-accuracy performance on a single +5 V to +15 V power supply. Thin-film silicon-chromium resistors provide the stability required for guaranteed monotonic operation over the entire operating temperature range (all grades), while recent advances in laser-wafer-trimming of these thin-film resistors permit absolute calibration at the factory to within ±1 LSB; thus no user-trims for gain or offset are required. A new circuit design provides voltage settling to ±1/2 LSB for a full-scale step in 800 ns. The AD558 is available in four performance grades. The AD558J and K are specified for use over the 0°C to +70°C temperature range, while the AD558S and T grades are specified for -55°C to +125°C operation. The "J" and "K" grades are available either in 16-pin plastic (N) or hermetic ceramic (D) DIPS. They are also available in 20-pin JEDEC standard PLCC packages. The "S" and "T" grades are available in the 16-pin hermetic ceramic DIP package. DACPORT is a registered trademark of Analog Devices, Inc.

Utsource Original Store




























From: €46.42233

#PBF Description: The LTC2668 is a family of dual 12-/10-/8-bit voltage-output DACs with an integrated, high accuracy, low drift reference in a 16-lead QFN package. Features: * 16-Lead QFN Package *






Used and refurbished parts guaranteed can work well



Analog Devices






























From: €4.24755






Original parts, guaranteed brand new





The AD558 DACPORT? is a complete voltage-output 8-bit digital-to-analog converter, including output amplifier, full microprocessor interface and precision voltage reference on a single monolithic chip. No external components or trims are required to interface, with full accuracy, an 8-bit data bus to an analog system. The performance and versatility of the DACPORT is a result of several recently-developed monolithic bipolar technologies. The complete microprocessor interface and control logic is implemented with integrated injection logic (I2 L), an extremely dense and low power logic structure that is process-compatible with linear bipolar fabrication. The internal precision voltage reference is the patented low voltage bandgap circuit which permits full-accuracy performance on a single +5 V to +15 V power supply. Thin-film silicon-chromium resistors provide the stability required for guaranteed monotonic operation over the entire operating temperature range (all grades), while recent advances in laser-wafer-trimming of these thin-film resistors permit absolute calibration at the factory to within ±1 LSB; thus no user-trims for gain or offset are required. A new circuit design provides voltage settling to ±1/2 LSB for a full-scale step in 800 ns. The AD558 is available in four performance grades. The AD558J and K are specified for use over the 0°C to +70°C temperature range, while the AD558S and T grades are specified for -55°C to +125°C operation. The "J" and "K" grades are available either in 16-pin plastic (N) or hermetic ceramic (D) DIPS. They are also available in 20-pin JEDEC standard PLCC packages. The "S" and "T" grades are available in the 16-pin hermetic ceramic DIP package. DACPORT is a registered trademark of Analog Devices, Inc.

Utsource Original Store




























From: €34.29829

#PBF Description: The LTC1599ACG#PBF is a low-power, low-noise, high-precision, rail-to-rail output CMOS operational amplifier. Features: * Low supply current: 0.9mA/amplifier * Rail-to-rail input a






Original parts, guaranteed brand new



Texas Instruments


The AD558 DACPORT? is a complete voltage-output 8-bit digital-to-analog converter, including output amplifier, full microprocessor interface and precision voltage reference on a single monolithic chip. No external components or trims are required to interface, with full accuracy, an 8-bit data bus to an analog system. The performance and versatility of the DACPORT is a result of several recently-developed monolithic bipolar technologies. The complete microprocessor interface and control logic is implemented with integrated injection logic (I2 L), an extremely dense and low power logic structure that is process-compatible with linear bipolar fabrication. The internal precision voltage reference is the patented low voltage bandgap circuit which permits full-accuracy performance on a single +5 V to +15 V power supply. Thin-film silicon-chromium resistors provide the stability required for guaranteed monotonic operation over the entire operating temperature range (all grades), while recent advances in laser-wafer-trimming of these thin-film resistors permit absolute calibration at the factory to within ±1 LSB; thus no user-trims for gain or offset are required. A new circuit design provides voltage settling to ±1/2 LSB for a full-scale step in 800 ns. The AD558 is available in four performance grades. The AD558J and K are specified for use over the 0°C to +70°C temperature range, while the AD558S and T grades are specified for -55°C to +125°C operation. The "J" and "K" grades are available either in 16-pin plastic (N) or hermetic ceramic (D) DIPS. They are also available in 20-pin JEDEC standard PLCC packages. The "S" and "T" grades are available in the 16-pin hermetic ceramic DIP package. DACPORT is a registered trademark of Analog Devices, Inc.

Utsource Original Store




























From: €2.14402

Description: The DAC7513E/2K5 is a 14-bit, 2.5-V, voltage-output digital-to-analog converter (DAC) from Texas Instruments. Features: - 14-bit resolution - 2.5-V operation - ±1 LSB max INL - ±2 LSB ma






Used and refurbished parts guaranteed can work well



Analog Devices

Quad, 12-Bit DAC Voltage Output with Readback





























From: €46.21836






Used and refurbished parts guaranteed can work well



Analog Devices

10-Bit High Speed Multiplying D/A Converter Universal Digital Logic Interface





























From: €3.19458






Original parts, guaranteed brand new



Texas Instruments


The AD558 DACPORT? is a complete voltage-output 8-bit digital-to-analog converter, including output amplifier, full microprocessor interface and precision voltage reference on a single monolithic chip. No external components or trims are required to interface, with full accuracy, an 8-bit data bus to an analog system. The performance and versatility of the DACPORT is a result of several recently-developed monolithic bipolar technologies. The complete microprocessor interface and control logic is implemented with integrated injection logic (I2 L), an extremely dense and low power logic structure that is process-compatible with linear bipolar fabrication. The internal precision voltage reference is the patented low voltage bandgap circuit which permits full-accuracy performance on a single +5 V to +15 V power supply. Thin-film silicon-chromium resistors provide the stability required for guaranteed monotonic operation over the entire operating temperature range (all grades), while recent advances in laser-wafer-trimming of these thin-film resistors permit absolute calibration at the factory to within ±1 LSB; thus no user-trims for gain or offset are required. A new circuit design provides voltage settling to ±1/2 LSB for a full-scale step in 800 ns. The AD558 is available in four performance grades. The AD558J and K are specified for use over the 0°C to +70°C temperature range, while the AD558S and T grades are specified for -55°C to +125°C operation. The "J" and "K" grades are available either in 16-pin plastic (N) or hermetic ceramic (D) DIPS. They are also available in 20-pin JEDEC standard PLCC packages. The "S" and "T" grades are available in the 16-pin hermetic ceramic DIP package. DACPORT is a registered trademark of Analog Devices, Inc.

Utsource Original Store




























From: €4.28804

Description: The DAC7611UB/2K5G4 is a 12-bit voltage output digital-to-analog converter (DAC) from Texas Instruments. Features: 12-bit voltage output 2.5V reference voltage ±1LSB max integral n






Original parts, guaranteed brand new



Analog Devices


The AD558 DACPORT? is a complete voltage-output 8-bit digital-to-analog converter, including output amplifier, full microprocessor interface and precision voltage reference on a single monolithic chip. No external components or trims are required to interface, with full accuracy, an 8-bit data bus to an analog system. The performance and versatility of the DACPORT is a result of several recently-developed monolithic bipolar technologies. The complete microprocessor interface and control logic is implemented with integrated injection logic (I2 L), an extremely dense and low power logic structure that is process-compatible with linear bipolar fabrication. The internal precision voltage reference is the patented low voltage bandgap circuit which permits full-accuracy performance on a single +5 V to +15 V power supply. Thin-film silicon-chromium resistors provide the stability required for guaranteed monotonic operation over the entire operating temperature range (all grades), while recent advances in laser-wafer-trimming of these thin-film resistors permit absolute calibration at the factory to within ±1 LSB; thus no user-trims for gain or offset are required. A new circuit design provides voltage settling to ±1/2 LSB for a full-scale step in 800 ns. The AD558 is available in four performance grades. The AD558J and K are specified for use over the 0°C to +70°C temperature range, while the AD558S and T grades are specified for -55°C to +125°C operation. The "J" and "K" grades are available either in 16-pin plastic (N) or hermetic ceramic (D) DIPS. They are also available in 20-pin JEDEC standard PLCC packages. The "S" and "T" grades are available in the 16-pin hermetic ceramic DIP package. DACPORT is a registered trademark of Analog Devices, Inc.

Utsource Original Store




























From: €7.14673

Description: The AD7524JNZ is a low power, 8-bit, CMOS, voltage output digital-to-analog converter (DAC) with a serial interface. Features: 8-bit Resolution Low Power Consumption Serial Inte






Used and refurbished parts guaranteed can work well




Microprocessor-Compatible 12-Bit D/A Converter





























From: €11.75647






Original parts, guaranteed brand new





The AD558 DACPORT? is a complete voltage-output 8-bit digital-to-analog converter, including output amplifier, full microprocessor interface and precision voltage reference on a single monolithic chip. No external components or trims are required to interface, with full accuracy, an 8-bit data bus to an analog system. The performance and versatility of the DACPORT is a result of several recently-developed monolithic bipolar technologies. The complete microprocessor interface and control logic is implemented with integrated injection logic (I2 L), an extremely dense and low power logic structure that is process-compatible with linear bipolar fabrication. The internal precision voltage reference is the patented low voltage bandgap circuit which permits full-accuracy performance on a single +5 V to +15 V power supply. Thin-film silicon-chromium resistors provide the stability required for guaranteed monotonic operation over the entire operating temperature range (all grades), while recent advances in laser-wafer-trimming of these thin-film resistors permit absolute calibration at the factory to within ±1 LSB; thus no user-trims for gain or offset are required. A new circuit design provides voltage settling to ±1/2 LSB for a full-scale step in 800 ns. The AD558 is available in four performance grades. The AD558J and K are specified for use over the 0°C to +70°C temperature range, while the AD558S and T grades are specified for -55°C to +125°C operation. The "J" and "K" grades are available either in 16-pin plastic (N) or hermetic ceramic (D) DIPS. They are also available in 20-pin JEDEC standard PLCC packages. The "S" and "T" grades are available in the 16-pin hermetic ceramic DIP package. DACPORT is a registered trademark of Analog Devices, Inc.

Utsource Original Store




























From: €36.05308






Original parts, guaranteed brand new



Maxim Integrated


The AD558 DACPORT? is a complete voltage-output 8-bit digital-to-analog converter, including output amplifier, full microprocessor interface and precision voltage reference on a single monolithic chip. No external components or trims are required to interface, with full accuracy, an 8-bit data bus to an analog system. The performance and versatility of the DACPORT is a result of several recently-developed monolithic bipolar technologies. The complete microprocessor interface and control logic is implemented with integrated injection logic (I2 L), an extremely dense and low power logic structure that is process-compatible with linear bipolar fabrication. The internal precision voltage reference is the patented low voltage bandgap circuit which permits full-accuracy performance on a single +5 V to +15 V power supply. Thin-film silicon-chromium resistors provide the stability required for guaranteed monotonic operation over the entire operating temperature range (all grades), while recent advances in laser-wafer-trimming of these thin-film resistors permit absolute calibration at the factory to within ±1 LSB; thus no user-trims for gain or offset are required. A new circuit design provides voltage settling to ±1/2 LSB for a full-scale step in 800 ns. The AD558 is available in four performance grades. The AD558J and K are specified for use over the 0°C to +70°C temperature range, while the AD558S and T grades are specified for -55°C to +125°C operation. The "J" and "K" grades are available either in 16-pin plastic (N) or hermetic ceramic (D) DIPS. They are also available in 20-pin JEDEC standard PLCC packages. The "S" and "T" grades are available in the 16-pin hermetic ceramic DIP package. DACPORT is a registered trademark of Analog Devices, Inc.

Utsource Original Store










From: €0.73773

Description: Dual, 8-Bit, Voltage Output, Digital-to-Analog Converter Features: 8-Bit Resolution ±1 LSB INL Max ±1 LSB DNL Max 0.2μA Max Shutdown Current 2.7V to 5.5V Single-Supply Operation






Original parts, guaranteed brand new



Analog Devices


The AD558 DACPORT? is a complete voltage-output 8-bit digital-to-analog converter, including output amplifier, full microprocessor interface and precision voltage reference on a single monolithic chip. No external components or trims are required to interface, with full accuracy, an 8-bit data bus to an analog system. The performance and versatility of the DACPORT is a result of several recently-developed monolithic bipolar technologies. The complete microprocessor interface and control logic is implemented with integrated injection logic (I2 L), an extremely dense and low power logic structure that is process-compatible with linear bipolar fabrication. The internal precision voltage reference is the patented low voltage bandgap circuit which permits full-accuracy performance on a single +5 V to +15 V power supply. Thin-film silicon-chromium resistors provide the stability required for guaranteed monotonic operation over the entire operating temperature range (all grades), while recent advances in laser-wafer-trimming of these thin-film resistors permit absolute calibration at the factory to within ±1 LSB; thus no user-trims for gain or offset are required. A new circuit design provides voltage settling to ±1/2 LSB for a full-scale step in 800 ns. The AD558 is available in four performance grades. The AD558J and K are specified for use over the 0°C to +70°C temperature range, while the AD558S and T grades are specified for -55°C to +125°C operation. The "J" and "K" grades are available either in 16-pin plastic (N) or hermetic ceramic (D) DIPS. They are also available in 20-pin JEDEC standard PLCC packages. The "S" and "T" grades are available in the 16-pin hermetic ceramic DIP package. DACPORT is a registered trademark of Analog Devices, Inc.

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From: €16.59886

Description: The AD7224LN is a low power, 12-bit, successive approximation A/D converter with a serial I/O interface. Features: 12-bit Resolution Low Power Consumption: 1.5 mW at 5 V Supply






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Analog Devices

Dual 12-Bit Buffered Multiplying CMOS D/A Converter





























From: €5.98984






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The AD558 DACPORT? is a complete voltage-output 8-bit digital-to-analog converter, including output amplifier, full microprocessor interface and precision voltage reference on a single monolithic chip. No external components or trims are required to interface, with full accuracy, an 8-bit data bus to an analog system. The performance and versatility of the DACPORT is a result of several recently-developed monolithic bipolar technologies. The complete microprocessor interface and control logic is implemented with integrated injection logic (I2 L), an extremely dense and low power logic structure that is process-compatible with linear bipolar fabrication. The internal precision voltage reference is the patented low voltage bandgap circuit which permits full-accuracy performance on a single +5 V to +15 V power supply. Thin-film silicon-chromium resistors provide the stability required for guaranteed monotonic operation over the entire operating temperature range (all grades), while recent advances in laser-wafer-trimming of these thin-film resistors permit absolute calibration at the factory to within ±1 LSB; thus no user-trims for gain or offset are required. A new circuit design provides voltage settling to ±1/2 LSB for a full-scale step in 800 ns. The AD558 is available in four performance grades. The AD558J and K are specified for use over the 0°C to +70°C temperature range, while the AD558S and T grades are specified for -55°C to +125°C operation. The "J" and "K" grades are available either in 16-pin plastic (N) or hermetic ceramic (D) DIPS. They are also available in 20-pin JEDEC standard PLCC packages. The "S" and "T" grades are available in the 16-pin hermetic ceramic DIP package. DACPORT is a registered trademark of Analog Devices, Inc.

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From: €10.51529

#PBF Description: The LTC2636 is a family of dual 12-/10-bit rail-to-rail voltage-output DACs with an integrated, high accuracy, low drift reference in a tiny 10-lead DFN package. Features: - 12-/10






Original parts, guaranteed brand new





The AD558 DACPORT? is a complete voltage-output 8-bit digital-to-analog converter, including output amplifier, full microprocessor interface and precision voltage reference on a single monolithic chip. No external components or trims are required to interface, with full accuracy, an 8-bit data bus to an analog system. The performance and versatility of the DACPORT is a result of several recently-developed monolithic bipolar technologies. The complete microprocessor interface and control logic is implemented with integrated injection logic (I2 L), an extremely dense and low power logic structure that is process-compatible with linear bipolar fabrication. The internal precision voltage reference is the patented low voltage bandgap circuit which permits full-accuracy performance on a single +5 V to +15 V power supply. Thin-film silicon-chromium resistors provide the stability required for guaranteed monotonic operation over the entire operating temperature range (all grades), while recent advances in laser-wafer-trimming of these thin-film resistors permit absolute calibration at the factory to within ±1 LSB; thus no user-trims for gain or offset are required. A new circuit design provides voltage settling to ±1/2 LSB for a full-scale step in 800 ns. The AD558 is available in four performance grades. The AD558J and K are specified for use over the 0°C to +70°C temperature range, while the AD558S and T grades are specified for -55°C to +125°C operation. The "J" and "K" grades are available either in 16-pin plastic (N) or hermetic ceramic (D) DIPS. They are also available in 20-pin JEDEC standard PLCC packages. The "S" and "T" grades are available in the 16-pin hermetic ceramic DIP package. DACPORT is a registered trademark of Analog Devices, Inc.

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From: €6.12577

Description: The AD7243AN is a low-power, 8-bit, successive approximation analog-to-digital converter (ADC) with an on-chip track-and-hold circuit. Features: 8-bit resolution Low power consumpt




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